Product Showcase

This is the place to view, download and purchase (if applicable) the newest software and designs that we at Space Age Software Design have completed or are currently working on. On this page you will find the links to the product pages where you can get more detailed information about each product.

Practice Projects (free)

  List Manager
The List Manager application is a management and storage system for various identifying information about entities and the groups and organizations with which they are affiliated. The system has multiple screens to capture data including name, address, phone number, email address, and any other information you wish to include about an entity. It also maintains a many-to-many relationship between entites (known as members within the system) and lists with which they belong. An entity can also be connected to an organization therefore inheriting the organization's address information.

  Bincy Bouncy
Bincy Bouncy is a physics simulation program that allows you to specify the properties of circle or square projectiles as they bounce around the screen and off of the user-created line and rectangle obstacles. The obstacle design form allows you to add and remove lines and rectangles of various sizes and positions.

  Crab Man
Crab Man uses a library (DockableForm) intended on duplicating the form docking functionality of many popular applications, but within the .NET framework. The original Crab Man started simply as many forms with which to test the DockableForm algorithms. The Crab Man Mini was an investigatory project meant to test some of the potential size and functionality limitations of the .NET form controls.

Open Source Products

Get DockableForm at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads   DockableForm: The dockableform .NET library allows you to inherit the ability to dock the forms in your project to each other so that they can be moved around as one.

Get BouncingForm at Fast, secure and Free Open Source software downloads   BouncingForm: The bouncingform .NET library allows you to inherit the properties of a form that can bounce around the screen like a bouncy ball.

Last Updated: July 4th, 2021

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